
GoMeat Token Lists on Hydra DEX After a Sold Out ICO


GoMeat, the only digital marketplace connecting consumers with specialty (halal and kosher) stores has announced its GoMeat Token – the first of its kind project catering to the specialty foods industry – has made its much-awaited debut on Hydra DEX after a highly successful June ICO run – where it sold out two weeks early.

GoMeat developed its first specialty meat marketplace prototype in late 2018, and in 2019 officially launched in New Jersey with a single store. The company currently operates in the U.S. specialty foods market, catering to the global $1.7 trillion industry that has yet to reach its full potential. Globally, there are more than 1.8 billion specialty consumers, yet no company has provided dedicated delivery and digitalization services except GoMeat. Over 90 precent of specialty stores do not have the resources to go digital. GoMeat brings these stores on board without any setup cost, thus enabling them to digitalize in order to increase their revenues and provide the convenience of ordering and home delivery to its consumers.

“As specialty consumers who travel frequently, GoMeat founders are no strangers to the hassle of finding verified specialty meat and the chaotic in-store process that it entails,” said Waqas Siddiqi, co-founder and CEO of GoMeat. “This new generation of specialty consumers demands convenience and authenticity and GoMeat plans on providing just that!”

Specialty consumers avoid non-specialty meats and foods to the extent that they will not eat any other type of meat unless it is certified by a verified specialty board. These consumers are willing to pay a premium price and businesses are well-aware of this, resulting in numerous cases of faulty specialty certifications. In the Western countries, demand for specialty meat has been steadily increasing, but the supply is scarce and spread out, which has led to a murky supply chain with no checks and balances. Specialty meat certification boards are also understaffed, underfunded, and lack the technological infrastructure to digitalize the certification process.

GoMeat’s in-app blockchain-based specialty certifications are the solution for a visible and traceable supply chain in the specialty industry. So, specialty customers can trace their food from the farm to the table and make educated choices about what they buy.